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22 July 2016

22 July 2016 - As part of the Regional Leaders' Summit, a delagation of almost 30 scientists from Bavaria's partner regions visited the Ludwig Bölkow Campus on 14 July. Following presentations about Ludwig Bölkow Campus GmbH and Munic Aerospace, the participants from Québec (Canada), Shandong (China), Western Cape (South Africa), Upper Austria and Georgia (USA) toured the campus with its startups and research facilities. After a networking lunch, Munich Aerospace introduced their project Global Aerospace Campus, which was met with a positive response by the scientists. The results from this workshop were included in the project presentation on the following Friday, 15 July at the Regional Leaders' Summit.[ more... ]


Ministerialdirigent Dr. Ronald Mertz vom Bayerischen Wirtschaftsministerium begrüßt die DelegationDr Ronald Mertz, Ministerialdirigent in the Bavarian State Ministry for Economic Affairs, welcomes the delegation

Die Geschäftsführungen, Alexander Mager und Dr. Eva Rogowicz-Grimm, stellen die Ludwig Bölkow Campus GmbH und Munich Aerospace vor

The managing directors, Alexander Mager and Dr Eva Rogowicz-Grimm, provide information on the Ludwig Bölkow Campus GmbH and Munich Aerospace

Schlusserklärung zur 8. Regierungschefkonferenz der Partnerregionen (PDF) >>>