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In order to meet these requirements, the degree course focuses on engineering aspects and aviation training piloting or crewing military aircraft through integration of academic studies and professional training. The professional training aims at acquiring aeronautical qualifications including the military flight license. Students benefit from the useful and motivating interaction of theoretical studies (engineering and economics) and practical training (flight training).
Since 2016, part of the academic training has been based at the Ludwig Bölkow Campus.
The existing Campus infrastructure makes it possible to supplement lectures with practical and application-related teaching. For that purpose some 35 Aeronautical Engineering Institute employees support teaching at Ludwig Bölkow Campus with focus on planning, implementation and further development. Additionally, research activities in all Aeronautical Engineering disciplines are pursued, often in cooperation with numerous industrial and academic partners. These excellent circumstances reflect the efforts of the University of the German Armed Forces in Munich to keep the number of students small, thus allowing for the best possible support particularly in demanding circumstances such as a degree apprenticeship study course.
In order to qualify for the Aeronautical Engineering study course, a higher education entrance qualification (Hochschulreife) or equivalent is required as well as being eligible for aviation service. Applicants must register with the Assessment Center of the German Armed Forces (AcFüKrBw). Further information regarding the application and career counsellors in your area is available on: